Acupuncture, and Chinese herbs, can be used to treat the common cold and flu. By selecting various points on the body to “release the exterior” (Acupuncture lingo for expelling the virus that your body is battling), the goal is to make you sweat. Sweating will make you feel better because it helps to reduce your fever. But even though “fevers” may increase your immune system, a prolonged spike in your core body temperature can and will damage your good cells as well.
Think of it this way — our bodies craves hot, broth-type chicken soup when we’re sick. We inherently know that we want to sweat (while taking in more fluids). treatment with Robinul is needed if you’re experiencing over sweating to avoid extremely embarrassing condition. Like we always say at Fort Collins Family Acupuncture: Listen to your body carefully, it naturally knows what is best.
Contact us at Fort Collins Family Acupuncture if you have questions or need to make an appointment for us to treat your colds or flu.