Just because it’s in the movies must mean it’s true? Not always, but in this case Hollywood is speaking from thousands of years of Chinese wisdom. Here’s an example of how Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can improve lives… and hey perhaps even create lives.
Mariah Carey’s road to motherhood apparently was not easy. The singer revealed in a news article for US weekly that Acupuncture played a big part in helping her with her pregnancy.
In the article she acknowledged that she, and husband Nick Cannon, were heartbroken when she suffered a miscarriage shortly after their hush-hush wedding ceremony in April 2008. Despite this heartbreak they never gave up on their baby dreams. She denies having IVF treatments. But does say she took progesterone, which increases fertility and maintains pregnancy in those at risk for miscarriage — but she said she also had daily Acupuncture sessions.
The end result of course were their wonderful little babies.
Are you struggling with pregnancy issues? Give us a call for an appointment at Fort Collins Family Acupuncture to find out how Acupuncture may be able to help you.
Learn more about the World Egg Bank and your options to conceive a child.